Dark fury mage tower wow
Dark fury mage tower wow

You can out DPS the healing two imps channeling on Agatha will do but anymore you will be unable to. They will both begin to run towards Agatha and once reaching her will start an interruptible channel that feeds her energy and heals her for a minor amount. Occasionally two Imp Servants will spawn on the other end of the cavern. As long as they don't reach you they will not cast. It is possible to burst the imp down before they can get the cast off, stun them or even kite them around with Piercing Howl. These patches will persist throughout the entire scenario.

#Dark fury mage tower wow Patch#

Once this cast goes off, the imp will explode dealing damage to you if you're nearby and also leaving a patch of ground that deals damage to you and slows if standing over it.

dark fury mage tower wow

If they reach you, they will start to cast an uninterruptible spell (can be stuned or feared) named Plague Zone.

dark fury mage tower wow

The Fuming Imps are spawned solo and after a moment begin to chase after you. These imps will also at times teleport away in attempts to kite you. Due to this, it is crucial that these imps are killed off as quickly as possible. The Umbral Imps are usually spawned in pairs by Agatha and while alive provide her with an immunity buff. Here are the imps listed in order of kill importance: The imps by themselves are relatively easy to deal with but when overlapped with other abilities it can quickly become overwhelming. Throughout the scenario Agatha will summon various types of imps. Luckily when her channel is interrupted and she casts it again later in the scenario, the stacking buff is reset and starts once more at zero. It is crucial to break through the shield and interrupt the channel as soon as possible as she gains a stacking buff which increases the damage of the channel as it goes on. During this channel she deals ticking damage and receives an absorb shield that you must damage through before being able to interrupt the channel. This is an infinite interruptible channel that begins when Agatha's energy bar reaches 100. I was able to complete this scenario on release day in around twenty or so attempts. There are various ways of successfully completing this scenario but this is what I found to be the best way for me and others have confirmed as well.

dark fury mage tower wow

Here is my personal advice and what I believe is the easiest way of completing the Fury Warrior Mage Tower Scenario for your new artifact appearance.

Dark fury mage tower wow